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Child Development Activities


The toys sold by Learn, Fun and Play concentrate on developing the following skills:​

Skill 1. Babies and toddlers need to explore the world and develop a range of ways to communicate before they can express their own ideas through arts and design.
Activity: Encourage your child to talk to you while they play. Ask them to describe the toys. Think of different ways the same toy can be used in different ways. Create story telling games with
them where the toy is used as a character in the story. Take inspiration from films like Toy Story which they will know about.

Skill 2. Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help.
Activity: Encourage your child to be bold and take risks. How high can the toy reach?
How wide can it reach? Pretend to be a scientist or leader, can existing toys in the play box be mixed with the new toys to make new games?

Skill 3. Children can recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for particular purposes.
Activity:Use your mobile phone or computer to record stills and images of the games and play them back to your child. Make small films to match to any story-telling. Encourage the child to become the photographer and create the images and films.

Skill 4. Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore
characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical
language to describe them.
Activity: Count the objects in the box when first unwrapped. After playing, count them back into the box to ensure all the pieces are there. Group objects together to learn number bonds up to 10 eg 3 pieces + 7 pieces makes 10 pieces. Likewise use for simple multiplication eg I have 3 pieces in 2 groups. How many pieces do I have? 6 pieces is the answer. Create patterns of pieces – 2 red, then 2 blue, then 2 green, can your child repeat the pattern?​

Skill 5. Children play co-operatively, taking turns with others. They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity. They show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other children.
Activity: Can your child follow the rules of the game? Can they play without
argument? Encourage taking your turn; waiting for the next player. Following the rules to be fair. Discuss what is fairness – treating people the same?

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